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Our History 1875 -1975



One hundred years has a particular significance in the life of many human Institutions. This is especially so in the case of Freemasonry which has such a high regard for the past; a great enjoyment of the ritual, organisation and fraternal love of the present and unlimited aspirations for the future. Added to all this, of course, is the increasing and expanding support of the cause of Charity. There are twelve Surrey Lodges which have already passed their Centenary and their pride and pleasure in the achievement and progress of the Lodge, together with tributes to the Founders and Stalwarts over the years are all clearly recorded in the Centenary Books - So may it be with the Addiscombe Lodge. Ours is truly a Croydon Lodge. It was founded to meet a need arising from building development on the site of the former Military Academy of the East India Company which closed down in 1861 when H.M. Government took over the control of all India following the Indian Mutiny. Nothing of the former building now stands and the Officers and Cadets of the Academy are only remembered by the names of its very famous soldiers such as Roberts, Lawrence, Napier, etc. It has been suggested that the Lodge had a direct connection with the Military Academy but this seems doubtful. There is a gap of fourteen years between the closing of the Academy and the founding of the Lodge and no Lodge members of military rank are recorded in the early days. A very faint possibility of a link lies in the name of our first Worshipful Master, Samuel James Turquand, not at all a common name. There was a cadet, Lt. Turquand at the Academy in 1842 but the gap between those two names is thirty-three years. There is just a possibility that they could have been brothers but the facts of this possible connection cannot now be known. Finally, a connection does exist with the Military Academy and our Lodge in the Alma Tavern. This was the “local” for those cadets who wished to escape the confines of their own buildings, especially after "Lights Out” and many must have had narrow escapes in regaining their dormitories when finally the Alma Tavern closed for the night. It was a wayside hostelry where carters called on their way to and from Covent Garden Market, while Addiscombe Station was by the roadside and the children could watch the turntable swinging the engines round for the return journey to London.


It was in this setting that the Consecration of the Addiscombe Lodge, No. 1556 took place on Tuesday, 31st August, 1875, at the Alma Tavern. The Petition praying for a Warrant of Constitution made the case that there was a great need of a Freemasons Lodge in the immediate vicinity of Addiscombe, inasmuch as a number of Masons resided in the neighbourhood of this large and developing Suburb, and there were also good reasons for supposing that many of the influential inhabitants of the district would be induced to join the Craft if a convenient Lodge were established. Thus would the genuine Tenets of our Ancient Order be more widely disseminated. In due process this case was accepted.


The Charter or Warrant of the Lodge granted in response to the Petition is, of course, available for inspection by any Brother on this or any future evening". Few, however, will have read it and it is reproduced here as the basic part of our history and for the information, at least, of all our present Brethren:  by the authority and under the sanction of the United Grand Lodge of England vested in us for that purpose and at the humble Petition of our Right Trusty and Well Beloved Brethren the said Brethren into a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons under the Title or Denomination of THE ADDISCOMBE LODGE. No. 1556 The said Lodge to meet at the ''Alma” Tavern, Addiscombe, in the County of Surrey, on the second Saturday in every Month, em powering them in the said Lodge when duly congregated, to make, pass and raise, Free Masons according to the Ancient Custom of the

Craft in all Ages and Nations throughout the known World, AND FURTHER at their said Petition and of the great trust and confi dence reposed in every of the above named Brethren WE DO APPOINT the said SAMUEL JAMES TURQUAND to be the first MASTER, the said FREDERICK THOMAS MULLETT to be the first SENIOR WARDEN and the said SAMUEL PARSONS-SMITH to be the first JUNIOR WARDEN for opening and holding the said Lodge and until such times as another Master shall be regularly elected and installed strictly charging that every Member who shall be elected to preside over the said Lodge and who must previously have duly served as Warden in a Warranted Lodge shall be installed in Ancient Form and according to the Laws of the Grand Lodge that he may thereby be fully invested with the dignities and powers of his office. And we do require you the said Samuel James Turquand to take special care that all and every the said Brethren are or have been regularly made Masons and that you and they and all other the Members of the said Lodge do observe, perform and keep the Laws, Rules and Orders contained in the BOOK OF CONSTITUTIONS and all others which may from time to time be made by our Grand Lodge or transmitted by us or our Successors, Grand Masters or by our Deputy Grand Master for the time being AND WE DO enjoin you to make such By-Laws for the Government of your Lodge as shall to the majority of the Members appear proper and necessary the same not being contrary to or inconsistent with the general Laws and Regulations of the Craft a copy whereof you are to transmit to us AND WE DO REQUIRE you to cause all such By-Laws and Regulations and also an account of the proceedings in your Lodge to be entered in a Book to be kept for that purpose And you are in nowise to omit to send to us or our Successors, Grand Masters or to OUR DEPUTY GRAND MASTER for the time being at least once in every year a list of the Members of your Lodge and the names and descriptions of all Masons initiated therein and Brethren who shall have joined the same with the fees and monies payable thereon It being our will and intention that this OUR WARRANT OF CONSTITUTION shall continue in force so long only as you shall conform to the Laws and Regulations of our Grand Lodge And you the said Samuel James Turquand are further required as soon as conveniently may be to send us an Account in writing of what shall be done by virtue of these Presents. GIVEN under our HANDS and the SEAL of the GRAND LODGE at London this 13th July, A.L. 5875 - A.D. 1875 BY COMMAND of the M.W. GRAND MASTER SKELMERSDALE, D.G.M. JOHN HERVEY, G.S.

The Consecration meeting was not largely attended. There were only 15 Brethren present consisting of the 5 Consecrating Officers, 5 Founders and 5 Visitors. The Minutes of that meeting record votes of thanks to the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Major General John Stud holme Brownrigg for coming to consecrate the Lodge, to W.Bro. H. E. Francis for installing the first Master and to Bro. F. Cam bridge, who was Organist and Choirmaster of Croydon Parish Church for 45 years, for the musical arrangements. The names of five gentlemen were put forward as candidates for initiation. Of these the brothers, Alfred Lambert and Stampa Walter Lambert were destined, as will appear later in this book, to become two of the early stalwarts of the Lodge.


Apparently the Alma Tavern in the Lower Addiscombe Road was not altogether satisfactory as a meeting place for the Lodge and, in any case, the Secretary reported in March, 1877, that the Land lady had disposed of her Lease of the House and the Lodge could no longer meet there. A Committee was appointed with power to make all' necessary arrangements for the move to another meeting place and the Secretary was instructed to have the Lodge furniture removed to a warehouse forthwith.

A temporary home was found at the Surrey Club House in Wellesley Road and later at the Station Hotel, but within a year the Lodge had transferred to Harewood House in Croydon High Street. This belonged to Brother John Rhodes who was one of the visitors present at the Consecration of the Addiscombe Lodge and is recorded as a member of the Granite Lodge, No. 1328. Subsequently he was elected an Honorary Member and served as the Lodge Organist for some years. Later he became a Joining Member and was installed as Master of the Lodge in November, 1894.

Bro. John Rhodes was a Professor of Music who had a house at 105 High Street on the corner of Friends Road and a music shop and Conservatorium at 96 on the opposite or west side of the High Street. In researching on the history of the Province, it proved extremely difficult to ascertain whether the Masonic Hall, also called Harewood House, was at 96 or 105.

Now that the minutes of the Addiscombe Lodge are available, it is clear that the Masonic Hall, Harewood House was at 96. The premises are now occupied by a furniture store and the large display space behind the main shop could well have served as the Masonic Hall. The former building at 105 has been replaced by a modern office block and its connection with the Craft has been perpetuated in the name "Temple House”.

In November, 1895, an Emergency Meeting was called to con sider a letter from Bro. Rhodes giving the Lodge notice of termina tion of its tenancy of the Masonic Hall because he had disposed of the Lease. Bro. Secretary reported that he had negotiated with the authorities of the small Public Hall in George Street, Croydon and, as the terms seemed satisfactory, it was resolved that the Lodge remove to that Hall forthwith.

A cordial vote of thanks to W.Bro. John Rhodes for the kindly manner in which he had looked after the comfort of the Brethren

during the 17 years they had met on his premises was carried unanimously. In reply Bro. Rhodes said that he had disposed of the Hall with much regret.

It was in the Public Hall, George Street, that the Golden Jubilee of the Lodge was celebrated in 1925.

When the Public Halls were closed in 1938, the Lodge moved to Grants Store in the High Street. The Lodge room was in an attic and conditions were cramped although membership was down and the circumstances of wartime did not make for large attendances. Meetings continued at Grants until April, 1948 when the decisions were taken to move to the new Masonic Hall in Oakfield Road, West Croydon, to invest £100 in the Hall Company and to lend that Company the heavy Lodge furniture. The Lodge duly moved to Oakfield Road for the November 1948 meeting and has continued there ever since.

The premises at Oakfield Road were formerly St. George's Presbyterian Church which had been closed even before the War and were then somewhat damaged during the air raids on Croydon. The buildings as restored and adapted must now provide one of the finest Masonic Centres in the Country and all past, present and future Brethren associated with it owe a great debt of gratitude to those elder statesmen who organised its purchase for the Craft.

Addiscombe Lodge had a special connection with the Church premises. The Minister, the Rev. W.W.D. Campbell, living at 73 Oakfield Road, was initiated into the Lodge on the proposition of his brother W.Bro. J.A. Campbell at the Jubilee meeting in 1925. Earlier, in 1907, he had married, in the Church, Mr. D.J. Williams and Miss V.M. Walden. Thereby he had at least a voice in pro viding for our Lodge a sincere and greatly esteemed Brother of the present day, W.Bro. David Williams. Further, during the War, another Brother in our Lodge was commissioned to survey the premises in connection with a proposed food storage scheme and to carry out the alterations. Thus as well as expressing great appreciation of our present meeting place, we can also claim a special interest in its former existence.


A. Membership There were only six Founder members present at the Consecration meeting on the 31st August, 1875 and apparently the other two who signed the Petition seeking permission to form the Lodge never joined it. The sixth Founder had not signed the Petition.

At the first regular meeting on the 11th September, 1875, there were five candidates for initiation. After the ceremony one was appointed Director of Ceremonies, one Inner Guard and the other three as Stewards. This brought the membership up to eleven.  The peak number of members was reached in 1908 when it was 93. The next highest total was 91 in 1973.  As with membership so with finance. The early accounts show that the Lodge was not in a flourishing state financially for the first twenty years. In July, 1877, the Brethren voted "a Past Master's Jewel to Bro. Mullett, to be purchased when the funds of the Lodge permit”. That was in the early days and could have been partly due to necessary expenditure for the furniture and equipment. Also in 1882 the Treasurer mentioned the difficulties being caused by arrears in subscriptions and in 1885 and 1888 there was serious discussion about the funds of the Lodge. They were almost always in deficit until 1894 when there was a credit balance of 8 (old) pence. In the next year there was hearty support for a fund to purchase a nearly complete set of new furniture which it was hoped would last for all time. The insurance value was set at £200. The Lodge seems to have accepted, in many years, the report of the Audit Committee and to have ordered the accounts to be entered on the Minutes but unfortunately this was often not done, so that balances cannot now be known. The growing number of members, however, and the increases in subscriptions and fees for initiation and joining which were approved from time to time, seem to have assured the financial stability of the Lodge up to the

1914–1918 War. The war conditions, of course, made difficulties in every direction but recovery was not long delayed as shown in the minutes of November, 1923 when the Audit Committee reported their "High appreciation of W.Bro. A. W. Stoker in placing the Lodge in a much more satisfactory financial position."

The Brethren realised that the Jubilee Festival would be an expensive occasion. The Standing Committee reported on 14th March, 1925, both on the proposed arrangements and on finance. The general details are given in Chapter VI (Events) but the cost of a member's ticket (10/6) and the limitation of the special guests to 30 may be mentioned here. The question of the charge for the visitors was deferred and is not recorded subsequently, nor is the ultimate financial result of the Festival. Somewhat rarely, the reports of the Audit Committee on the accounts for 1927–28 and for 1929–30 are inserted in the minutes. Both reports appear to find the financial position satisfactory but make the point about prompt payment of subscriptions. Another war period from 1939 to 1945 restricted progress but the statement of accounts in 1947 show a comfortable balance of £180 and only £1 13s. 6d. arrears! The Benevolent Funds are similarly in a good state. Hereafter the annual financial report is usually to be found in the minute book and regularly shows a variable but healthy position. The major factor in this happy state of affairs is, of course, a willingness to alter, as necessary, the subscriptions laid down in the By-Laws. Some of these alterations are mentioned under that heading. A review of the last financial year (ended 31st December, 1974) shows that approximately £1,550 has passed through the General Account; £572 through the Benevolent Association and £100 through the Samaritan Fund. By virtue of the contributions made over the years the Lodge has qualified as a Patron of each of the three Masonic Charities and a Double Patron of the Royal Masonic Hospital. It has also made contributions, at varying intervals, to the support of the Masonic beds in the Hostel of God (formerly the Home for the Dying) at Clapham. The Centenary Fund came into being from a generous donation by one of our longest serving members who has benefitted the Lodge in several ways. It has received little augmentation since and, unfortunately, owing to present day economic conditions, its capital value has declined substantially. Equally the economic circumstances of many members is less promising than a few years ago. However, it is unlikely that these difficulties will be allowed to prejudice the success of the Centenary Festival. B. Finance (Charity) Charitable contributions are, of course, an important part of the Lodge activities and an account of the Lodge Benevolent Associa tion must be given here. There is clear evidence of collections in the Lodge for Charity from early times but the first mention of a Lodge Benevolent Association occurred in October 1933, when W.Bro. C. H. D. Robertson made a statement about the newly formed Association of which he is Treasurer and Bro. E. W. Hewson the Secretary and Collector. The description of Lodge Benevolent Association" seems more theoretical than real for there is no indication that it ever met or had any other officers. It was a (no doubt valuable) channel for the collection of the charitable contributions, Bro. E. W. Hewson was initiated in October 1931 and accepted the task of Secretary and Collector when the new Association was formed in 1933. He continued in that office for 16 years during which time he also served in the offices up to the Chair in 1944. In November 1949 W.Bro. Hamilton Johnson took over the work and was followed by Bros. L. A. Skingley and S. W. Cope. In 1966 the question of a properly constituted Lodge Benevolent Association came up and Bro. A. F. Burnham, with his expert knowledge, explained the advantage of a Lodge Association which was duly registered as a Charity. Apart from general contributions, members who wished to do so could enter into seven year Covenants to make regular donations in relation to which such an Association could recover the Income Tax already paid by the donor. This would not involve disclosure of the total tax paid by the member or his income. In November 1966, the Worshipful Master reported on the first meeting of the new Benevolent Association. The Officers elected were, W.Bro. H. B. Bailey, Chairman; W.Bro. L. H. Rutter, Treasurer; and Bro. A. G. Coleman, Secretary and Collector. The rules of the Association were agreed by the Lodge and it was noted that the Board of Inland Revenue now approves the Association as a Charity organisation. Steady progress has been made. In the last completed year (1974) there were 36 members who had entered into Covenants giving a yearly total of £315 which, together with recovered income tax of £97, made a total of £412 from those members. The uncovenanted contributions reached £160 making a grand total of £572 for the year. There is every prospect that this amount will be exceeded in the Centenary Year. These figures speak volumes for the devoted efforts of Bro. Terry Coleman in making and recording his collections at each Lodge meeting, but very few Brethren will know of the additional work at home in keeping the Association's books and in following up the Covenanted contributions with the Income Tax Authorities. Fortunately W.Bro. Burnham is able to help him when necessary. minutes. This reprint seems to have achieved considerable stability, for apart from a somewhat surprising reduction in the joining fee from 15 to 5 guineas in 1929 and some minor changes, the only important alteration was made in 1950 to provide for the Installa tion of the Master at the November instead of the April meeting. The only major changes since then have been necessary increases in subscriptions and fees. In general the present By-Laws appear to be satisfactory for the needs of the Lodge and a copy will be added to the minutes of the Centenary Meeting.

San Institute, were otwithsta C. By-Laws. Rules, Regulations or By-Laws are essential for the orderly con duct of any human Institution and the draft By-Laws of the Addiscombe Lodge No. 1556, were duly read and adopted at the meeting on the 9th October, 1875. Notwithstanding the injunction in the Warrant, requiring the Master to cause all By-Laws, Regula tions and proceedings of the Lodge to be entered in a book kept for that purpose, no details of these original by-Laws are to be found in the first Minute Book. A later record shows that in 1893 it was decided to increase the initiation fee to 7 guineas when the total of full subscribing members exceeded 30. Also it can be deduced from the recorded dates that the By-Laws provided a pattern of meetings in January, March, May, July, September and November. The July meeting was dispensed with in 1894 thus reducing the yearly number to five while October was substituted for September a few years later. In the early days the meetings were called for the second Saturday in the month and later for the third Saturday but in 1896 the second Saturday was firmly fixed and has continued ever since. Arrangements for the Country List (residence more than five miles from the place of meeting) were approved in 1899 and the By-Laws as a whole were ordered to be reprinted in March 1900 but no details are recorded. No further changes seem to have been made until 1908 when increases in the initiation and joining fees to 10 guineas in each case were approved. Subsequently a special membership subscription of one guinea for each year of absence from the United Kingdom was arranged. In 1916 a complete revision was undertaken by a Sub-Committee which resulted in the addition of nine new By-Laws, the alteration of five and the elimination of one. These alterations were reported as mainly for the purpose of constituting a Standing Committee and setting out its duties. Again no record is available. Increases in the annual subscription to 4 guineas and the joining fee to 15 guineas were approved in 1921 while it was resolved in 1923 that the net initiation and joining fees should be placed to the credit of the Benevolent Fund. In 1925 it was decided to dispense with the May meeting thus reducing the yearly total to the present number of four. The By Laws were reprinted in that year and a copy is preserved in the


The success of any human Institution depends on the energy and devotion of its members, especially those (usually few in number) who are able and willing to give many hours and much labour to the detailed conduct of its affairs. This is particularly so in the case of Freemasonry where all the work involved is voluntary and the reward is the affection and high regard of all the other Brethren together with the supreme satisfaction of achievement in the interests of the Lodge they love. Thus a Chapter of this book may be well dedicated to the stalwarts of the Addiscombe Lodge. 1. Samuel J. Turquand - the Founder Master, who was a Past Master of the Hornsey Lodge, No. 890. He lived in North London and worked as an Actuary in London Assurance at the Royal Exchange. There is no direct indication of his connec tion with Croydon, but the name is unusual. There was a Miss G. N. Turquand, born in 1871, who became Head Mistress of St. Michael's Infants' School in Croydon and who had one of our present Brethren as a pupil. By the relevant dates she could have been a niece of our Founder Master which may indicate a family connection in the town. After his year as I.P.M. Bro. Turquand served as Treasurer until 1879. He died in Leytonstone on the 26th September, 1883. 2. Samuel Parsons-Smith - of Concord Lodge, No. 632, another Founder member. He was a Surgeon and lived in Lower Addiscombe Road. He became the third Worshipful Master and afterwards served the Lodge as Secretary for nine years. He was ultimately presented with a very handsome silver bowl as a testimonial to his services. 3. Alfred Lambert - Initiated into the Lodge at the first regular meeting on the 11th September, 1875. Appointed Steward the same night and progressed to the Chair in 1889. He then became Secretary in 1890 and continued in that office until he died in 1922. Thus he was an Officer of the Lodge for forty seven years. He was a partner in a firm of Chemists and Druggists and was affectionately called 'Alfred the Great'. His younger brother, Walter Stampa Lambert was initiated on the same evening and was similarly appointed Steward. He reached the Chair in 1879 and thereafter seemed to be the odd job man who would always fill a gap. He served specifically as Treasurer from 1914 to 1916. He died in 1921, one year before his elder brother. 4. H. G. Thompson - a doctor living in Croydon who joined the Lodge in 1877. He accepted the office of Treasurer in 1879 and served 33 years in that capacity until 1912 when he wrote to the Lodge that he was unable to continue. A resolution engraved on vellum and suitably framed, recording the sincere thanks of the Lodge for his care of its finances over this long period was sent to him and he was able to attend the March 1913 meeting to express his thanks for the gift. He died in January 1915. 5. Sydney G. Edridge - a Croydon Solicitor who was a member of the Lodge La Tolerance, No. 538. He was elected into the Addiscombe Lodge on 17th May, 1890, and made rapid progress through the other offices until November, 1895, when he was installed in the Chair. He called an Emergency Meeting in April 1896 for the purpose of initiating his brother, Frederick Thomas Edridge, J.P., then the Mayor of Croydon. This brother does not seem to have progressed beyond Master Mason, probably owing to his Civic duties which involved being Mayor no fewer than five times and which were ulti mately recognised by the award of a Knighthood. Sydney George Edridge, however, filled many vacancies in the offices of the Lodge as they occurred and finally was elected again to the Chair for the Jubilee Year 1924–25. He also had the pleasure of initiating his son into the Lodge in 1905. He was elected to the Croydon Council in 1892 and became Mayor in 1897. He resigned in 1899 to take up the official post of Clerk to the Croydon Magistrates. He was described as learned, humourous and generous hearted which tributes can well be accepted when his benign countenance is studied. He was a strong supporter of the Probation Service, instead of the stern Prison sentence, and was presented with a Loving Cup at the 10th Annual Conference of the National Union of Probation Officers. Probably, it was also his interest and influence which led to a number of the Members and Senior Officers of the Croydon Corporation becoming members of the Addiscombe Lodge. He died in 1934. 6. H. Leslie Smith, a Professor of Music living at 47 Oakfield Road, Croydon, (surely his spirit must rejoice at the stream of Brethren who now pass his former residence to reach their various Lodge meetings). He was Organist of the Macdonald Lodge, No. 1216 when he joined Addiscombe Lodge in May,


NO 1897 and was appointed Organist of our Lodge in 1898. Apart from the years leading up to the Master's Chair in 1908, he continued his musical office until January, 1948, a period of fifty years. Thereafter, he was elected an Honorary Member as a mark of appreciation of the very great service he had given to the Lodge. He was also Organist and Choirmaster of Croydon Parish Church for a great many years from 1917 onwards. He died in August, 1949. 7. Frank Overton, an engineer of Upper Addiscombe was initiated on the 11th May, 1901. In 1903 he undertook to present the Lodge with three Tracing Boards, painted by himself. The work was completed in 1906 when Brother Overton read a paper on them. They were said to be so thoroughly worked out in all details as to be quite unique amongst English Lodges. A copy of the paper read by Brother Overton and two of the Tracing Boards are still preserved. Also the tables presented by W.Bro. P. A. Ransom for the storage of these Tracing Boards can still be seen at Oakfield Road. 8. J. A. Campbell, a member of Rothesay Lodge, No. 1684, who joined the Addiscombe Lodge on the 12th November, 1904, and was installed as Master in 1918. He undertook the duties of Treasurer from 1926 to 1943, a period of seventeen years, and he had the pleasure of proposing his brother for initiation at the Jubilee Meeting. His total membership reached forty years. 9. W. Edwards Read, described on the proposal form which was read out on the 13th May, 1905, as aged 24 years and a Clerk in the London County Council. He was initiated at the next meeting on the 14th October, 1905 and reached the Chair in 1920. He served as Secretary of the Lodge from 1922 to 1942 and was the author of the Jubilee Brochure. He left the Lodge in 1945 and died in 1946. 10. John Hooke, Worshipful Master of Croydon Lodge of Concord, No. 463 in 1882 who joined Addiscombe Lodge in January, 1906. He is not recorded as being Master in our Lodge but he was appointed Director of Ceremonies in 1917 and continued in that office for ten years. It seems that his health deteriorated about that time and he had a severe operation in 1929. He died in 1931 after more than fifty years in Masonry 11. E. F. Lee, was initiated in January 1919, and was installed in the Chair ten years later. He then went on to serve as Director of Ceremonies for over 20 years. He was somewhat crippled and found much walking difficult. Towards the end of his service and to commemorate his 90th birthday the Lodge presented W.Bro. Lee with an armchair, which is still preserved, for use in the Lodge. He died on 23rd December, 1957. 12. L. L. Gosney, an Assistant Solicitor to the Coydon Corporation. He was initiated in March 1924 and became Worshipful Master in April 1934. He served as Assistant Director of Ceremonies for a few years and was elected Treasurer in 1943. He continued in that office until 1957 when the Lodge placed on record their sincere thanks for his services. He removed to * Buckinghamshire in 1961 and asked to be placed on the Country List. He died in 1962 after a membership of 48 years. N.B.—The Stalwarts mentioned below, with the exceptions of Tom Flawith and Reverend Herbert Stephenson, are still with us. 13. Fred Salter – was initiated at the age of 24 on 10th May, 1924, and was present at the Golden Jubilee Celebrations in 1925. He followed W.Bro. Gosney into the Chair in 1935 and was again installed in 1960, when neither of the Wardens was able to accept the office of Master. He served as Assistant Director of Ceremonies for over ten years and is now the senior active member of the Lodge. His 50 years in Masonry were com memorated on 10th May, 1974. The regular April meeting had to be deferred because of Easter and it was a most happy chance that this particular date in May was available. On behalf of the Lodge, W.Bro. A. C. Searle, Assistant Provincial Grand Master, presented a Goblet, suitably inscribed, to W.Bro. Salter with the congratulations and good wishes of the Lodge and the Province. W.Bro. Salter thanked the Brethren for the gift and for the bouquet of flowers which Mrs. Salter had received that morning. He then gave the Goblet to the Lodge for the use of future Masters. 14. H. G. Chapman, was initiated on 11th October, 1930, and installed in October 1941. He carried on for a second year in 1942 and later was appointed Chaplain of the Lodge and then Assistant Director of Ceremonies. His service in the senior offices covered the difficult years of the Second World War and its aftermath and he did much to hold the Lodge together. It is recorded elsewhere how he strongly supported the Lodge of Instruction and he has benefited the Lodge in many other ways. In wishing to pay tribute to him, the Lodge has asked George Chapman to occupy the Chair on the day of the Cen tenary Celebrations. Tom Flawith - a Master Mason of St. George's Lodge, No. 166, Belfast, who joined the Lodge on 14th January, 1938, and was installed as Master on 12th April, 1947. He took up the office of Assistant Secretary in 1949, Director of Ceremonies in 1955 and Treasurer from January 1960 to November 1965. He died shortly after giving up this office. His service as Preceptor of the Lodge of Instruction is recorded in that Chapter 16. D. I. H. Williams - He joined the Lodge in November 1945 and had what must be a rare experience. A candidate for raising failed to attend and Bro. Williams was invited to volunteer" as substitute. Thus the Master at least practised the ceremony. Bro. Williams was also asked to act as Steward at that meeting and continued in that office until he was appointed Senior Deacon in 1948. He progressed to the Chair in 1952. He was appointed Assistant Secretary in 1955 and Secretary in the following year until 1961. He resumed that office in 1963 and finally relinquished it in 1967. He served as Chaplain for several periods and for some time now he has been the Pro vincial Charity Representative of the Lodge. Altogether he has been an officer of the Lodge since the day he joined. 17. Rev. Herbert Stephenson - joined the Lodge in 1944 and, after being installed as Master in 1948 and serving as I.P.M. in 1949, he was naturally appointed Chaplain of the Lodge in November 1950. He continued in that office until he moved to live with his daughter in Scotland, where he died in March

1969. 18. W. C. Vidler, our present Director of Ceremonies to which office he was first appointed on 9th January, 1960. He was initiated in the Lodge in November 1948 and installed in the Chair in November 1956. Although he has removed to the Coast he still maintains his full and active membership, but he is giving up his office in November. 19. Harry Francis, he was initiated in November 1947 and in stalled as Master in 1958. Since that time he has not filled any specific office but has always made himself available to meet any particular need for his services which might arise in the Lodge. He has also served as Deputy Preceptor of the Lodge of Instruction for some years. 20. T. A. Goldsmith - initiated in January 1946 and installed in the Chair by our present Secretary in November 1964. In turn, he installed the author of this book in 1965. Since his year as I.P.M. he has been Assistant Director of Ceremonies. His phas served ejeir posts at the d that he prophenson extensive knowledge of the ritual is very valuable in this office and in the Royal Arch Chapter and the Mark Master Masons : Lodge. He will succeed W.Bro. Vidler as Director of Ceremonies in November. 21. A list of Stalwarts cannot be exhaustive for reasons of space and detailed interest. There were, however, two Brethren who, for good and sufficient cause, did not render particular service but were faithful to their Lodge over long periods. Brother F. S. Ellis was initiated in 1903 at the age of 28. He lived his active years abroad and died in 1962, after 59 years member ship, at the age of 87. Bro. L. L. Byers was initiated in 1916 and went to Mexico and U.S.A. He died in 1965 after being a member for 49 years. Our present Treasurer, W.Bro. L. H. Rutter, who has already held that office for ten years should also be mentioned in this Chapter, together with our Secretary, W.Bro. R. W. Mason, who has served eight years. Both of these Officers have asked to be relieved of their posts at the end of the Centenary Year and the Master Elect has intimated that he proposes to invest Bro. R. W. Hall as Treasurer and W.Bro. S. G. Henson as Secretary in November. It remains to record our two Honorary Members, W.Bro. G. M. Bream, P.P.G.D., P.M. Waddon Lodge No. 4162, elected 11th November, 1967, in appreciation of his great help to the Addiscombe Lodge members who have attended the Waddon Club of Instruction on Wednesday evenings, and W.Bro. F. G. Lee, P.A.G.D.C., P.P.J.G.W., P. M. Croydon Lodge of Concord No. 463, elected 9th November, 1974, who has attended so many of our Lodge meetings to enrich the proceedings with his music at the Organ. Finally, there are many younger Brethren from whom, as is already clear, will arise the Stalwarts of the future. May their devotion to the Lodge be as successful as that of their predecessors.

1975 - onwards, to be continued.........

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